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UNESCO Adopts Resolution Calling for End to Violence in Gaza

Amman – The General Conference of UNESCO has approved a resolution calling for an immediate end to violence in Gaza, particularly that directed towards civilians and educational professionals. The vote passed with a majority, reflecting the international community’s concern over the ongoing conflict in the region.

According to Jordan News Agency, Ambassador Sufian Qudah, the resolution stresses the urgent need to halt all forms of violence against Palestinians, with a focus on protecting women, children, youth, teachers, and other education-related professionals. Moreover, the resolution demands the cessation of attacks on Palestinian educational facilities, reaffirming the fundamental right to education for Palestinians.

The resolution also calls for strict compliance with international humanitarian law, international law, and the principles outlined in the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict. It highlights serious concerns about shortages of essential resources like energy, water, and relief supplies in the Gaza Strip.

Ambassador Qudah pointed out that the resolution, submitted by the Arab Group to UNESCO, is a testament to the group’s concerted diplomatic efforts. The resolution garnered support from 96 of the 137 countries that participated in the voting process, indicating a significant backing for the protection of Palestinian rights and resources within the framework of UNESCO’s mandate.

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