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Kirkuk: A delegation from the UN visits Taza to see the effects of the mustard gas bombardment

Kirkuk / NINA/ The Rapporteur of the House of Representatives, Representative Gharib Askar al-Turkmani, received a delegation of United Nations experts visiting the Taza district, south of Kirkuk, to examine the effects of the mustard gas bombing in 2016 by the terrorist organization ISIS on the district.

Al-Turkmani said that almost every neighborhood of the district was targeted by a missile at the time, and there were deaths of children and many injuries among the residents, and that the arrival of a team of United Nations experts to the district of Taza Khurmato to examine the effects of the bombing of ISIS on the district with missiles carrying mustard gas, “shows us the extent of the disaster that had occurred in the area,

This visit of the UN delegation, comes to see the effects of the bombing and verify the contamination with toxic gases and chemicals and their impact on unarmed civilians, because Taza and its surroundings became contaminated with toxic gases after being bombed with chemical missiles in 2016.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

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