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Aqaba Earns Global Recognition as Sustainable Tourism Destination

Aqaba: Aqaba has garnered international recognition for its commitment to sustainability, clinching third place as the best sustainable green destination worldwide during the ITB Berlin Convention 2024.

According to a statement by the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA) on Thursday, Aqaba’s achievements were underscored by its remarkable progress across various criteria, notably its exemplary performance within the Aqaba Bird Observatory. Recognized as a vital eco-tourism asset teeming with biodiversity, the observatory has pioneered innovative initiatives such as wastewater reclamation, addressing water scarcity challenges prevalent in many parts of the world.

Furthermore, Aqaba’s dedication to sustainable tourism standards has propelled it into the ranks of the top 100 tourist destinations worldwide renowned for its climate and environmental stewardship.

The city has also secured a spot among the six best stories of sustainable tourist destinations globally, reaffirming its commitment to enviro
nmental conservation and community engagement.

Chairman of ASEZA, Nayef Fayez, signed an agreement with Green Destination to lay the groundwork for Aqaba to strive for top honors as an international tourist destination, leveraging its adherence to rigorous sustainability standards outlined by Green Destinations. The agreement signifies a strategic partnership aimed at implementing a green growth strategy, empowering the ASEZA to chart a roadmap towards world-class sustainable tourism.

Source: Jordan News Agency

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