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110,000 convicted of drug-related crimes in Jordan-Statistics

Amman: 125,765 people convicted of various types of drug crimes were tried at State Security Court (SSC) during the last four years.

Out of this total figure, 110,425 suspects were found guilty of drug crimes, including three who carried 314 kilograms of cocaine from South America to sell to their victims in Jordan.

Over the course of 223 days, which began on May 25, 2023, and ended at beginning of March of 2024, “Petra” investigated these cases at Jordan’s courts and found that between 2020 and 2023, the SSC convicted more than 110,000 people of drug crimes involoving trafficking, possession, and promotion, with an average conviction of 75 people per day in Jordan.

During 4 years, “Petra” found that 110,425 convicts of drug crimes carried and concealed 26,336,380 narcotic pills, 19,143 kilograms of hashish, 329 kilograms of cocaine, 91 kilograms of hashish, and 684 kilograms of marijuana.

In the years extending from 2020 until February 13 of 2024, the SSC examined 83,515 drug cases, at a rate of 20,878 c
ases per year.

Additionally, the SSC issued rulings against 110,425 people for drug crimes between the years 2020 and 2023 out of 125,765 defendants.

The rate of those convicted suspects during these years reached 92% and prison sentences reached up to 30 years and death penalty in cases that involved

Source: Jordan News Agency

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