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QDGTP Begins its Training Plan for the Second Half of this Year

Qatar Digital Government Training Program (QDGTP), of the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC), has announced the start of its training plan for the second half of this year and the various technical topics that will be covered by this plan.

Q3 & Q4 training plan, which began early this month, features 96 training courses covering 55 technical subjects; of which 30% are added to the plan for the first time, on top of which are subjects about information security and databases to be conducted with major technology firms like Microsoft and Oracle.

QDGTP pays great attention to the tailoring of its training plans since they shape up a roadmap to help IT employees and professionals at government entities to further sharpen their skills and knowledge at both the personal and professional levels through specialized training programs and enable them to obtain more professional certifications to upgrade the necessary skills that enhance their efficiency at work.


Source: Government of Qatar

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