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MOEHE Issues the Second Round Exams Schedules

The Student Assessment Department in the Evaluation Affairs Sector at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education  (MOEHE) has issued the second round exam schedules for all grades (daytime and adult education), which are scheduled to take place from August 18 to 26.

The tests are carried out amid precautionary measures taken by MOEHE in cooperation with the Ministry of Health to ensure the safety of students. The precautionary measures include placing floor posters to preserve spatial distance and safe distances between students, sterilizing the school building, determining the entrances and exits of students to the exam halls, preparing directional boards, call sheets and names, and sending text messages to parents reminding the test date, committee number, student name, sitting number and test material and the necessity of the student to attend early wearing a mask with the personal ID and his tools only.


Source: Government of Qatar

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