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Jordan Valley Authority Enhances Agricultural Development Efforts

Secretary-General of the Jordan Valley Authority, Hisham Haisa, stated that the authority is dedicated to empowering Jordanian farmers by leveraging all available resources to support their agricultural endeavors. This aligns with the authority’s strategy aimed at advancing local farming, expanding into foreign markets, and bolstering the national economy.

In a meeting with farmers and representatives of water user associations in Deir Alla on Monday, in the presence of Director of the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Water Efficiency and Conservation Activity (WEC) Frank O’Brien, Haisa emphasized the government’s responsiveness to farmers’ needs, particularly after reinforcing the management and staff within the Jordan Valley Authority.

He highlighted the noticeable improvement in service quality and responsiveness witnessed by farmers, aiming to enhance their competitiveness at local, regional, and international levels, underlining the government’s commitment to implementing ro
yal directives by addressing challenges in the agricultural sector effectively.

Haisa highlighted the objectives of the Water Efficiency and Conservation project, focusing on enhancing irrigation practices, reducing costs, and equipping members of irrigation user associations with practical knowledge to conserve water and mitigate losses.

He urged farmers to collaborate in safeguarding irrigation water and report any unauthorized activities that could jeopardize their interests.

The Secretary-General underscored ongoing efforts by the Jordan Valley Authority to ensure equitable water distribution and protect irrigation water sources, stressing the pivotal role of water user associations in this endeavor. He commended their efforts in addressing challenges and fostering cooperation with farmers to meet irrigation water needs effectively.

Haisa expressed optimism about the current rainy season’s ability to meet crop requirements, applauding the collaborative efforts aimed at advancing Jordanian agriculture.

Source: Jordan News Agency

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