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Jordan Advances Social Welfare Initiatives in Economic Modernization Agenda

Amman: The latest progress report on the Economic Modernization Vision’s executive program for this year’s first quarter highlighted advancements in the social protection and welfare sector.

One significant achievement was the enactment of the Social Development Law and its publication in the Official Gazette in March. This law aims to enhance social work, foster social responsibility, promote private sector involvement in sustainable social development, and cultivate a culture of social and volunteer work. It also focuses on enhancing social development services and the quality of life for targeted citizen groups, aligning with the law’s provisions.

In February, the union system was approved and published in the Official Gazette. This system facilitates coordination among associations and sub-unions, streamlining their services, activities, formation, registration procedures, financial resources, and election schedules.

The Ministry of Social Development is developing a crisis response axis within the Nat
ional Social Protection Strategy to establish a comprehensive social protection system. This aims to respond effectively to disasters and crises while addressing the needs of vulnerable groups and gender-specific requirements, with the technical committee laying out initial features after gathering relevant data.

Efforts are underway to automate services gradually, particularly emergency cash aid, through collaboration with the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship. Contracts have been initiated, service designs approved, and models for automation certified, with launch dates expected in May or June this year.

The ministry continues its integration efforts for vulnerable groups into biological or foster families and society through various centers, institutions, shelters, both governmental and private.

The National Aid Fund is surveying to monitor the economic and social circumstances of beneficiary families, identifying target groups, conducting specialized training for social researchers, and
initiating field visits.

A dedicated unit to empower women has been established within the Ministry of Social Development, complete with a roadmap and defined objectives. This unit focuses on developing gender integration policies, evaluation, and research within a comprehensive gender approach in protection and social care.

Source: Jordan News Agency

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