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Qatar’s Master National Plan to be Upgraded Next Year

Engineer Abdullah Ahmed Ibrahim Al Krrani, Director of the Urban Planning Department at the Ministry of Municipality, revealed that a complete upgrade of the state’s urban plan will be made during the year 2022-2023.

In statements to the press, Eng. Al Krrani said that the urban plan was first introduced in 2018, and it reflects Qatar’s vision, and is developed every five years. He stressed that the upgrading process for the plan includes the upgrading land uses, transport plan, and the state’s spatial general plans.

He noted that the urban plan includes large elements such as, general planning policies, spatial plans in the spatial distribution including the road system, and all of the key sectors in the state. He added that all the regions in Qatar will be considered in the plan, and that no region of Qatar will be deprived of the opportunity of development and spatial distribution.


Source: Government of Qatar

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